Deliver, Click & Collect by Linkeo for
Produce Suppliers

Produce suppliers

Grow your customer reach with Deliver, Click & Collect by Linkeo. Now your clients can place their orders 24/7 from any device.

Manage their requests in just a few clicks and watch your business rise to new heights.

Expand your business locally. Build client loyalty.

Discover Deliver, Click & Collect by Linkeo. An Ally for Your Fruit and Vegetable Business.

Analyze Your Business Activity

Discover your most popular product, average purchase size, distribution of orders by time slot, and more! Break down your business activity and study the habits and needs of your produce loving customers.

Customize Your Business Hours

Deliver, Click & Collect by Linkeo is totally customizable. You can enter any one-time event that may affect the usual hours at your produce store or stall (holiday, stats, etc.).

Accept Payments

Deliver, Click & Collect by Linkeo is partnered with STRIPE, the secure online payment solution. When your customer come to your store, all they have to do is pick up their orders!

Up to 90% of American consumers order online.
Let them order from you!

Go Deliver!

Grow your business locally with Deliver, Click & Collect by Linkeo!

3-Month Free Trial! Zero Commitment!